Digital Marketing

Attract Clients Online with Value-based Selling

Attract Clients Online with Value-based Selling

ABC's of Sales When you think of sales, value-based selling probably doesn't come to mind. Most people might think of the famous ABC's of sales method. Always Be Closing! While the Glengarry Glen Ross method might inspire you, it is a few steps short of a coherent sales plan. The point of any...

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Social Proof in Marketing

Social Proof in Marketing

3 Strategies for Social Proof in Marketing The power of social proof in marketing is well established as a conversion tool and brands that learn how to use it correctly will benefit both their reputation and their bottomline. Social proof in marketing comes from amplifying the voices of existing...

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How to Pitch to Media

How to Pitch to Media

So you are a solo-entrepreneur or a small business owner and you have a great product or service that you’d like to share with the world. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a featured story in your local newspaper or better yet, a national magazine? Perhaps there is something unique about your brand that...

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Is Public Relations Important For Business?

Is Public Relations Important For Business?

As an SEO expert and someone who has worked in public relations, I understand the importance of PR for businesses but I also understand that it isn’t something that is easy to sell because many businesses don’t understand it and don’t care to. Let’s face it, few people can explain what publicist...

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Hey there, I'm Geneva

This is my little corner of the internet where I share my two cents on one of my favorite topics—marketing. I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you reach your marketing goals. So stick around for helpful content.



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how Google and other search engines present information on the Internet. Is your organization on top of these new changes?

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