Digital Marketing

What Is SEO and Why Is It Important For Business

What Is SEO and Why Is It Important For Business

Search Engine Optimization in 2022 Any marketer knows your digital real estate is only as valuable as it is visible. In an internet landscape with thousands of options available from every SERP, how do you connect with the people who want what you have to offer?  Search Engine Optimization or...

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Hiring a Marketing Consultant? (Read This First!)

Hiring a Marketing Consultant? (Read This First!)

For many small businesses, outsourcing SEO services doesn't fit within their budget so hiring a marketing consultant is the next best option. The right marketing consultant can make all the difference when it comes to achieving your goals. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide to...

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SEO Vs. SEM | What You Need To Understand

SEO Vs. SEM | What You Need To Understand

SEO Vs. SEM | What's the difference? In the wild and ever-changing world of digital marketing, it’s hard to know what’s best for your site, particularly when every advertiser claims to have the perfect tool for your needs.  To avoid falling prey to a sales pitch, you must understand the strategies...

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Sales Vs. Marketing | What’s the Difference?

Sales Vs. Marketing | What’s the Difference?

Sales vs. marketing. What's the difference and how can understanding each help you in both areas? First up, let's dive in with a sales and marketing definition.  Sales Vs. Marketing Marketing refers to brand awareness campaigns and lead generation. Sales focus on closing the deal and converting a...

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Hey there, I'm Geneva

This is my little corner of the internet where I share my two cents on one of my favorite topics—marketing. I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you reach your marketing goals. So stick around for helpful content.



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how Google and other search engines present information on the Internet. Is your organization on top of these new changes?

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